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SHA256 checksum (treeview-viz_160.tgz) c3187a20b4d2117de4a857ba21ec52ac4aa8b320a491ffaf84131a9ca5e8595d SHA256 checksum (treeview-viz_150.tgz) dcd422aef970550105e35695023912ae77b6fe1d5281dc8b73842a0b838ca2f5 SHA256 checksum (treeview-viz_140.tgz) a4f64c33647a70aa02300dce19c75ce0b54d764aa52039a20ca4ae47a779268b SHA256 checksum (treeview-viz_130.tgz) 78a7fc572805ca956b70865fb745f301f1412b0dec5e28a90f071299db4d4e76 SHA256 checksum (treeview-viz_120.tgz) b39e11d9be0d5151b32112e8706af1a86f4e28bd7492ae3768e1f75c46e408cd SHA256 checksum (treeview-viz_110.tgz) 3e9288405e320ea851de96c532c1a4541f897bae5acbf974222659ff33857340 SHA256 checksum (treeview-viz_100.tgz) bc39f54c9eaa5eb5f9047d685047346feb0960c91a4e1f1e61313033d8ff53f8
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Treeview Viz

Splunk Cloud
This app gives you a new way to visualize your data, allowing you to better communicate information in dashboards and reports. After installing this app you will see Treeview Viz as an additional item in the visualization picker in Search and Dashboard.

The Treeview Viz displays items with parent-child relationships much like a directory listing. You can use Treeview Viz to provide a categorized list of items, in a single dashboard panel.

Daniel Spavin
I am a Splunk Professional Services consultant working for JDS Australia (https://www.jds.net.au), in Melbourne Australia.

Version Support

8.0, 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, 7.0, 6.6

Who is this app for?

This app is for dashboard designers who want to compactly display parent-child relationships in their data.

How does the app work?

This app provides a visualization that you can use in your own apps and dashboards.

To use it in your dashboards, simply install the app, and create a search that provides the values you want to display.

Usecases for the Tree View Visualization: * Grouping categories together, e.g. sourcetypes by host * Providing a compact interface for generating tokens for drill-downs in a dashboard * Creating a menu in a set of dashboards * Visualizing the layout of files, running process, or perfmon stats on multiple hosts

The following fields can be used in the search: * id (required): An identifier for the lable. Use this value when assigning child items. Will default to the label if not supplied. * label (required): The value shown next to the item. * parentid (optional): Sets the parent item based on id. Will create a parent folder with the same label as the ID if one doesn't already exist. * iconFolder (optional): When using "custom" style, selects icon for folders. * iconDoc (optional): When using "custom" style, selects icon for child items.

Example Search

| stats count by sourcetype, source
| rename source as id, sourcetype as parentId
| eval label = id
| table id, label, parentId


Tokens are generated each time you click an item. This can be useful if you want to populate another panel on the dashboard with a custom search, or link to a new dashboard with the tokens carying across.

  • Label text : This is the display name of the selected item. Default value: $tv_label_token$
  • ID : This is the value of the selected group you clicked. Default value: $tv_id_token$
  • Parent ID : This is the value of the selected group you clicked. Default value: $tv_parent_id_token$

The following standard Splunk drill-down tokens are also generated:

  • row.label : The Label text
  • row.id : The ID
  • row.parentid : The parent ID
  • row.<fieldname> : the field "fieldname" from the search results.

Release Notes

v 1.1.0 * New option to have all folders open when the visualization starts. Options - General - Initial State = Closed / Open, Based on user request * Added app manifest for Splunk Cloud * Fixed some issues with drill-downs * AppInspect now passes

v 1.0.0 * Initial version

Issues and Limitations

If you have a bug report or feature request, please contact daniel@spavin.net

Privacy and Legal

No personally identifiable information is logged or obtained in any way through this visualizaton.

For support

Send email to daniel@spavin.net

Support is not guaranteed and will be provided on a best effort basis.

3rd Party Libraries


Icons made by FontAwesome

Release Notes

Version 1.6.0
Nov. 20, 2023
  • Updated to jQuery 3.7
  • Updated to jquery.fancytree 2.38
  • Fixed bug where select boxes could cause an error when all were unselected
  • Fixed bug where multi-select option saved incorrect 'row.XXX' token when multiple selections were made
Version 1.5.0
Feb. 17, 2022

v 1.5.0
- Updated to latest libraries for Splunk Cloud compliance

Version 1.4.0
Nov. 9, 2021

v 1.4.0
- Increased search data limit to 250,000 rows. Warnings will appear if this limit is exceeded
- Fixed bug where some drilldowns didn't work
- Added detection of very deep nesting of items. Any nesting more than 1,000 items deep will trigger an warning message
- Minor changes to example dashboards
- Updated CSS to avoid conflicts

Version 1.3.0
Aug. 29, 2021

v 1.3.0
Fixed issue where the order of events could change the tree structure
Fixed bug were some item names resulted in errors
Added cycle detection - now if a cycle is detected, the node will be added to the root node instead of the parent.
Updated to JQuery 3.5.0, other minor changes to meet Splunk Cloud validation checks

Version 1.2.0
Oct. 23, 2020

V 1.2.0
- Added ability to set color for icons via new field "color"

Version 1.1.0
Aug. 2, 2020

v 1.1.0
New option to have all folders open when the visualization starts. Options - General - Initial State = Closed / Open, Based on user request
Added app manifest for Splunk Cloud
Fixed some issues with drill-downs
AppInspect now passes

Version 1.0.0
June 28, 2020

Version 1.0.0
Initial Release

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